
13 March 2018

Why I Don't Want To Be A 'Full-Time Blogger'

Full-time bloggers seriously deserve a round of applause - it seems like a dream job, but must be a nightmare. Chasing up invoices from 5 years' ago, the fluctuating income every month and the pressure to write consistently, with doubts that anyone's going to read what you've written because it's crap.

I personally haven't ever wanted to enter that world. I've got anxiety and overthink things whilst working for other people and upkeeping their brand, let alone my own. Although working for myself and being a full-time businesswoman sounds joyful, I just don't think I could keep up with creating my own content constantly. Also there must be so much pressure to keep up with trends and create content based around that and not what you want to write.

Blogging is a great platform for my writing - but purely as a hobby. I like the sound of posting #ads all the time, but I'd rather have a 'traditional' job playing to my strengths, not doubting my abilities and bringing out my weaknesses. If I was a 'full-time blogger', I think I would cave in and threaten to quit about 4 times because I wouldn't be able to take the pressure. Whereas working for someone else, you can share your stresses with others and work out a solution.

That's another thing - I would be so lonely. I recently wrote about how loneliness affected me for 3 years at uni, but working for myself would be so solitary, as unless I had the money to hire staff, I wouldn't talk to anyone for weeks, driving myself crazy. How these people do it is seriously beyond me.

I'm not trying to talk down blogging at all, I'm just stating my reasons why I couldn't be able to doing this all the time and I won't be any time soon. I'm happy creating content every now and then and giving someone the opportunity to see my views about many different topics, it's why this blog was created. Throughout the last nearly 6 years I've learned a lot, but being the next Zoella just doesn't appeal to me.

Happy Listening!

A K Jones

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  1. I’m a bit in between on this too. We’re shown such a show reel but the reality is being taken from pillar to post and back again, invoice chasing and lots of hard work in random working hours. I’d love my blog to be able to support my life a bit more but yeah maybe not full time! Such a real post 😘😘

  2. I'm a full time blogger, it's my job and I adore it. To me it's the best job in the world and I have worked in some awesome places in the past (eg hairdressers, theatre, even for two well-known magazines), I could never pick a better job for myself.

    I love that you've been honest in this blog post but sadly I have to say that this blog post seemed a little negative about full-time bloggers. Although blogging did start off as my hobby I fell in love with it and decided to make a career of it, which has been awesome in the two years of doing so.

    I admit sometimes I feel lonely but that only lasts for an hour or so. I talk to my husband, my friends, listen to music or watch tv so I never feel lonely for long. I personally think that you could be in a room surrounded by people and feel more lonely than ever.

    I've been blogging since I was fourteen years old on various websites and I turn thirty this year, but I became a full-time blogger three years ago nearly. I personally would never like to be the new Zoella or any other blogger at all, I want to be the first Alisha Valerie and put my own mark on the blogging world. 🌸✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie x |

  3. I think it is each to their own, I totally get your view points though, it's important to do what is best for you!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  4. I just think it is up to the individual person honestly however I do understand where you are coming from.

    Rebecca Elaine x

  5. I personally would love to blog full-time but I can understand why it wouldn't work for a lot of people. Working for yourself and working from home can certainly have a few drawbacks but I think it's the same with any job really! I love the idea of working from home, being creative all of the time but I can completely get why others may want to keep it as just a hobby, different things work for different people! xo
    Sian |

  6. I'm not a full time blogger but I do work from home full-time, both blogging and running an online business. But I can confirm, it does get lonely sometimes. I do crave a small, part-time job that will get me out the house. Although I love what I do, it gives me so much time to be creative and write and organise and do what I'm good at. Definitely pros and cons of both - each individual definitely will have different needs!



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