
28 July 2016

Featured Artist - Average Mammals

The mid-west of America (more specifically Minnesota) is the birthplace of many great bands that have broken the rest of the country. Average Mammals have taken their hometown of Hibbing by complete surprise with their Indie-Rock music, hoping to get a larger outreach throughout the country and world.

They certainly deserve all of their success so far and in the future, as new EP Petrichor is a great record to have in your music library - one song glides into each other like silk and shows off lead singer Ryan Mulner's way of composing a song to fit his vocal capabilities and how to use them to create a perfect showpiece of with this band has to offer to the world. Also isn't Average Mammals such an awesome name for a band? I do, I hope you'll agree.

If you like what you read and want to listen to some of their music, you can hear the acoustic version of 'Our Fate' on iTunes and Spotify, or watch the video for single 'Small Talks' (embedded below). Check them out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to see what they're up to. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Snapchat (akjmusicblog) to keep up with my daily happenings.

Happy Listening! 

A K Jones

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